
Care for the Delicate Zone



This is Lula Ikebukuro East Exit Store!


At Lula Ikebukuro East Exit Store, we are handling Mama Butter Moon as a delicate zone care product.

We are currently offering three products in our lineup for use in the line.


Currently, we have three products in our lineup that can be used as a line of products.


Delicate Care Wash


Soft and smooth foam gently cleanses the skin as if enveloping it, leaving it moist and hydrated even after rinsing.



*Moisture White Cream


Moisturizes the delicate zone and leads to bright and clear skin.



Delicate Care Mist


Refreshes the delicate zone where odor and dampness are bothersome. Mist type for use on the go.




All three mists contain organic shea butter!


Shea butter contains components (oleic acid and stearic acid) similar to the sebum membrane that covers human skin. Therefore, it is easily absorbed by dry and sensitive skin, and moisturizes the skin well while conditioning the stratum corneum.



All of these products can be used for post-epilation care.


Smooth skin is essential for hair removal.


Preparing your skin after hair removal is very important.


However, properly moisturized skin is the best way to continue hair removal.

It will increase the efficiency of hair removal and reduce the pain of hair removal.


It would be a waste if your skin is dry and rough even after hair removal.


Please take good care of your skin so that you feel like touching it.

Please take good care of your skin.